1. S. H. Bokhari, “MAX: An Algorithm for Finding Maximum in an Array Processor with a Global Bus”, in Proc. 1981 International Parallel Processing Conference, pp 302–303.
2. S. H. Bokhari, “Finding Maximum on an Array Processor with a Global Bus”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-33, No. 2, February 1984, pp 133–139.
3. D. A. Carlson, “Performing Tree and Prefix Computations on Modified Mesh-Connected Parallel Computers,” Proc. 1985 Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, August 1985, pp 715–718.
4. M. J. Flynn, “Some Computer Organizations and their Effectiveness” IEEE Trans. on Comput., Sept. 1972, pp. 948–960.
5. W. M. Gentleman, “Some Complexity Results for Matrix Computations on Parallel Processors”, JACM, vol. 25, pp. 112–115, 1978.