1. C. Bloch, “Source-to-Source Transformations of Logic Programs”, Weizmann Institute Technical Report CS84-22, 1984.
2. K.L. Clark and S. Gregory, “PARLOG: Parallel programming in logic”, Research Report DOC 84/4, April, 1984.
3. M. Codish, “Compiling OR-Parallelism To AND-Parallelism”, Weizmann Institute of Science, Masters Thesis.
4. Y. Futamura, “Partial evaluation of computation process — an approach to a compiler-compiler”, Systems, Computers, Controls, Vol. 2, No. 5, 1971, pp. 721–728.
5. S. Gregory, “Design, Application and Implementation of a Parallel Logic Programming Language”, Phd. Thesis, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1985.