1. E.Astesiano, "Combining an operational with an algebraic approach to the speci fication of concurrency", Quaderni CNET n.127, ETS Pisa, 1984, also to appear in the proceedings of the Workshop on Combining Methods,Nyborg (Denmark), May 1984
2. E.Astesiano, G.Mascari, G.Reggio, M.Wirsing, "On the parametrized algebraic specification of concurrent systems",Proceedings of CAAP '85-TAPSOFT Conference, Berlin,LNCS n.185,Springer-Verlag, 1985.
3. E.Astesiano, F.Mazzanti, G.Reggio, E.Zucca, "Formal specification of a concurrent architecture in a real project".Proceedings of ICS '85 ACM (International Computing Symposium), North-Holland, 1985
4. E.Astesiano,G.Reggio, "A unifying viewpoint for the construcive specification of cooperation,concurrency and distribution".Quaderni CNET n.115,ETS Pisa 1983.
5. D.Bjørner,"Requirements of a formal definition of ADA", ADA Europe Formal Definition Working Group, February 1983.