1. Th. Mayer-Kuckuk, Contribution to this conference and COSY, Proposal for a cooler-synchrotron as a facility for nuclear and intermediate energy physics at the KFA Jülich, Jülich 1985
2. D. Drechsel in “New Horizons in Electromagnetic Physics”, eds. J.V. Noble and R.R. Whitney, Virginia (1983) Husmann, Springer Tracts 234 (1985) 381
3. K. Klingenbeck: Habilitationschrift, Univ. of Erlangen 1983 (to be published)
4. K. Klingenbeck, M.G. Huber: Phys.Rev. C22 (1980) 681
5. M.G. Huber, K. Klingenbeck: “Strange and Nonstrange Excitations of Nuclei” in “Perspectives in Nuclear Physica at Intermediate Energies”, World Scientific (1984) eds. S. Boffi, C. Ciofi degli Atti, M.M. Giannini, Trieste 1983