1. E Best: Adequacy of Path Programs. In: Net Theory and Applications: Proc. of the Advanced Course on General Net Theory of Processes and Systems, Hamburg, 1979 (Ed. W Brauer). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 84, Springer Verlag, 1980.
2. E Best: Adequacy Properties of Path Programs, Theoretical Computer Science 18 (1982), pp 149–171, North-Holland Publishing Co.
3. W Brauer (ed.): Proceedings of the Advanced Course on General Net Theory of Processes and Systems, Hamburg, 1979. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 84, Springer Verlag, 1980
4. J Y Cotronis, P E Lauer: Two way channel with disconnect, this Volume.
5. R E Devillers: The train set strikes again !, Report ASM/105, Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 17 December 1982.