1. IPCC, “Mitigation of Climate Change Report,” 2007.
2. ISO 14064-1, “Greenhouse gases e Part 1: Specification with Guidance at the Organization Level for Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals,”2006.
3. BSI, “PAS 2050 Specification for the Assessment of the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Goods and Services,” 2008.
4. ISO/TS 14067, “Greenhouse Gases — Carbon Footprint of Products — Requirements and Guidelines for Quantification and Communication,” 2013.
5. Verdantix Ltd, “HP Achieves Leadership on Carbon Reductions Outpaces Tech and Telecoms Competitors on Sustainability,” http://www.hp.com/canada/corporate/hp_info/environment/commitment/verdantixstudy.pdf (Accessed 24 DEC 2013)