1. Albion, R. G. (1939). The Rise of the Port of New York, 1815–1860, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
2. Bagger, L. (1873). The Sailors’ Snug Harbor. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 67: 186–197.
3. Barry, G. J. (2000). The Sailors’ Snug Harbor: A History, Fordham University Press, New York.
4. Bathe, B. W. (1967). The Clipper’s day. In Jobe, J. (ed.) and Kelly, M. (trans.) The Great Age of Sail, Edita Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 191–228.
5. Baugher, S., and Baragli, J. (1987). The Archaeological Investigation at the Matron’s Cottage Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, New York. Submitted by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission to the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.