1. Bandelier, A. F. (1890). Contributions to the History of the Southwestern Portion of the United States. Hemenway Southwestern Archaeological Expedition. Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America, American Series, 5. John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
2. Bandelier, A. F. (1929). The Discovery of New Mexico. New Mexico Historical Review 4(1):28-44.
3. Bolton, H. E. (1919). Kino’s Historical Memoir of the Pimería Alta, Vol. 1. Arthur H. Clark, Cleveland.
4. Bolton, H. E. (1990 [1949]). Coronado: Knight of Pueblos and Plains. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
5. Castañeda de Najera, P. de (1560). Relación de la Jornada de Cíbola Compuesta por Pedro Castañeda de Najera Donde se Trata de Todos Aquellos Poblados y Ritos, y Costumbres… Original circa 1560 has been lost; This text is known from a copy dated 1596. New York Public Library, Rich Collection, No. 63.