1. P. Carruthers:Phys. Rev. Lett.,18, 353 (1967).
2. G. N. Fleming andE. Kazes:Phys. Rev. Lett.,18, 764 (1967);H. Lee:Phys. Rev. Lett.,18, 1098 (1967);Y. S. Jin:Phys. Lett.,24 B, 411 (1967);O. Steinmann:Phys. Lett.,25 B, 234 (1967);P. B. Cantor:Phys. Rev. Lett.,19, 394 (1967);T. J. Nelson andR. H. Good jr.: private communication.
3. SeeP. Roman:Theory of Elementary Particles, Ch. III, Sect.1 (Amsterdam, 1964).
4. In considering the invariance of commutation relations we follow the approach of mariwalla and Ranganathan (Matscience preprint). They show that an isodoublet can be self-conjugate only if quantization is done using anticommutation rules, but the conclusions inferred by them regarding commutation relations for multiplets of arbitrary isospin,e.g. that the anticommutator, of K, K0 fields should vanish, are incompatible with invariance under higher symmetries likeSU 3.
5. E. P. Wigner:Group Theory (New York, 1959), p. 288.