1. A. AIELLO, E. BURATTINI, A. MASSAROTTI, F. VENTRIGLIA: Towards a general principle of evaluation for approximate algorithms. Seminaries IRIA, 1976.
2. G. AUSIELLO: On the structure and properties of NP-complete problems and their associated optimization problems. This volume.
3. G. AUSIELLO, A. D'ATRI, M. PROTASI: On the structure of combinatorial problems and structure preserving reductions. 4
ICALP, Turku, Finland, 1977.
4. R.M. KARP: Reducibility among combinatorial problems, in "Complexity of computer computations". R.E. Miller and J.W. Thatcher Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1972.
5. S. MORAN, A. PAZ: NP optimization problems and their approximation. 4
ICALP, Turku, Finland, 1977.