AbstractThe reciprocal targeting of microRNAs (miRNA) and micro-like-RNAs (milRNA) between hosts and pathogens is critical for understanding their interactions. In this study, reciprocal miRNA targets were explored in two Monilinia fungal pathogens, M. fructicola & M. laxa, and their peach host (Prunus presica). Using in silico analysis, 355 and 266 putative miRNAs were predicted for M. fructicola and M. laxa, respectively. Number of miRNAs and their targets differed based on host and pathogen species as 209 M. fructicola miRNAs target 98 peach genes and 128 M. laxa miRNAs target 338 peach genes. On the other hand, peach miRNAs showed the species-specific responses targeting fungal pathways to struggle with its pathogens. These findings indicate distinct strategies and species-specific interactions in this pathosystem. Besides, through the in vitro experimental designs, 166 and 124 expressed miRNAs by M. fructicola were detected in the host-mimicked and control environments, respectively. Additionally, novel miRNAs were discovered, six of which were in the mimicked environment and the seven in the controlled environment as highlighting dynamic and specialized miRNA expression in M. fructicola depending on the environmental conditions. In conclusion, this study provides the first insights into miRNA-mediated interactions between M. fructicola, M. laxa, and peach hosts. Unrevealing the cross talk through the miRNAs in host–pathogen interactions enhances the understanding of pathogenesis and host defense mechanisms. These findings have implications for disease management strategies and contribute to the fields of basic science and evolutionary biology.
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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