1. A/RES/55/25. General Assembly resolution 55/25 of December 2000.
2. Alvazzi del Frate, Anna. (2003). The voice of victims of crime: estimating the true level of conventional crime, Forum on Crime and Society, Vol 3, Nos 1 and 2, December 2003, UNODC.
3. Bundeskriminalamt, Trafficking in Human Beings: Situation Report 1999 – 2004, Wiesbaden.
4. European Commission. (2001). Research based on case studies of victims of trafficking in human beings in 3 EU Member States, i.e. Belgium, Italy and The Netherlands, Commission on the European Communities, DG Justice & Home Affairs, Hippocrates JA/2001/HIP/023
5. HEUNI, International Violence Against Women Survey (IVAWS), http://www.heuni.fi/12859.htm.