1. Angley, Wilson 1995 North Carolina Shipwreck References from the New York Shipping and Commercial List, 1815–1873. North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC.
2. Babits, Lawrence, Annalies Corbin Kjorness, and Jeff Morris 1995 A Survey of the North Shore of the Pamlico River: Bath Creek to Wade’s Point. East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.
3. Babits, Lawrence E. and Annalies Corbin Kjorness 1995 Final Report on an Archaeological Survey of the Western Shore of the Pungo River from Wades Point to Woodstock Point. East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.
4. Barrett, John G. 1963 The Civil War in North Carolina. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC.
5. Berman, Bruce D. 1973 Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. Mariner’s Press, Boston, MA.