1. S.Anantharaman, N. Andrianarivelo, Heuristic Criteria in Refutational Theorem Proving, Research-Report, LRI-Orsay(Fr.), no. 541, 1990, Extended-Abstract in Proc. DISCO'90, LNCS. no. 429
2. S.Anantharaman, N. Andrianarivelo, A Complete Semi-Decision Procedure for Horn Theories, Research Report, LIFO-LRI(Fr.), (to appear in Feb.-March 1991)
3. S.Anantharaman, J.Hsiang, Automated Proofs of the Moufang Identities in Alternative Rings, Vol. 1, J. Automated Reasoning, 1990
4. S. Anantharaman, J. Hsiang, J. Mzali, SbReve2: A term rewriting laboratory with (AC-)Unfailing Completion, RTA, Springer-Verlag LNCS Vol. 355, pp533–537, 1989
5. S.Anantharaman, J.Mzali, Unfailing Completion Modulo a set of Equations, Research Report, no. 470, LRI-Orsay (Fr.), 1989