1. Eugene Amdur, Sam Weber, and Vassos Hadzilacos. On the message complexity of binary byzantine agreement under crash failures. 1990. Submitted to Distributed Computing.
2. Gabriel Bracha. Personal communication. 1982.
3. Flaviu Cristian, Houtan Aghili, H. Raymond Strong, and Danny Dolev. Atomic broadcast: From simple message diffusion to Byzantine agreement. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pages 200–206, June 1985. A revised version appears as IBM Research Laboratory Technical Report RJ5244 (April 1989).
4. J. Chang and N. Maxemchuk. Reliable broadcast protocols. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 2(3):251–273, August 1984.
5. Tushar Deepak Chandra and Sam Toueg. Time and message efficient reliable broadcasts. Technical Report 90-1094, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, May 1990.