1. Amadio R. [1988] "A fixed point extension of the second order lambda calculus: observable equivalences and models", 3rd IEEE LICS, Edinburgh.
2. Amadio R. [1988(a)] "Proof theoretic properties of a theory of inheritance", internal report, October '88, Universita' di Pisa, (presented at the EEC Jumelage meeting on Typed λ-calculi, Nijmegen, November 1988).
3. Amadio R. [1989] "Recursion over realizability structures", TR 1/89, Universita' di Pisa, to appear on Info.&Comp.
4. Amadio R. [1989(a)] "Formal theories of inheritance for typed functional languages", TR 28/89 Universita' di Pisa.
5. Amadio R. [1990] "Recursion and Subtyping in Lambda Calculi", PhD Thesis, Università di Pisa.