Using Datalog and Boolean Equation Systems for Program Analysis


Alpuente María,Feliú Marco A.,Joubert Christophe,Villanueva Alicia


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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1. Efficient vulnerability detection based on an optimized rule-checking static analysis technique;Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering;2017-03

2. A model-extraction approach to verifying concurrent C programs with CADP;Science of Computer Programming;2012-03

3. Datalog-Based Program Analysis with BES and RWL;Datalog Reloaded;2011

4. Defining Datalog in Rewriting Logic;Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation;2010

5. DATALOG_SOLVE: A Datalog-Based Demand-Driven Program Analyzer;Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science;2009-08







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