1. The interaction of point defects with dislocations, not considered here, is treated in B. Henderson: In Defects in Crystalline Solids,ed. By E. Arnold (The University Press, Belfast 1972) Chap.7
2. For reviews on radiation effects in semiconductors, see J.W. Corbett: In Solid State Physics, Supp1.7, ed. by F. Seitz and D. Turnbull ( Academic, New York 1966 )
3. D.S. Billington, J.H. Crawford: JR in Radiation Damage in Solids ( University Press, Princeton 1961 )
4. The interaction of energetic particles with solids is treated in C.H.R. Lehman: Interaction of Radiation with Solids and Elementary Defect Production (North Holland, Amsterdam 1977 ).
5. A. Sosin, W. Bauer: In Studies in Radiation Effects in Solids, Vol.3, ed. by G.J. Dienes ( Gordon and Breach, New York 1969 )