1. Optical Bistability, Dynamical Nonlinearity and Photonic Logic, B.S. Wherrett and S.D. Smith eds., Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London A 313, 191-451 (1984)
2. Optical Bistability: Controlling Light with Light, H.M. Gibbs, Acad. Press (1985)
3. Excitonic Optical Nonlinearities, D.S. Chemla ed. special issue, JOSA B 2, 1135-1243 (1985)
4. Optical Chaos, J. Chrostowski and N.B. Abraham eds., SPIE Proc. 667 (1986)
5. Optical Bistability III, H.M. Gibbs, P. Mandel, N. Peyghambarian and S.D. Smith eds., Springer Proceedings in Physics 8 (1986)