Eye Tracking in Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Research


Strandvall Tommy


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference3 articles.

1. Ball, L., Eger, N., Stevens, R., Dodd, J.: Applying the post-experience eye-tracked protocol (PEEP) method in usability testing. In: Interfaces, Informs, Cincinnati, vol. 67, pp. 15–19 (2006)

2. Rayner, K.: Eye Movements in Reading and Information Processing: 20 Years of Research. Psychological Bulletin 124, 372–422 (1998)

3. Pieters, R., Wedel, M.: Informativeness of eye movements for visual marketing: six cornerstones. In: Wedel, M., Pieters, R. (eds.) Visual Marketing: From Attention to Action. Lawrence Earlbaum, New York (2008)

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2. Road Construction Workers’ Boredom Susceptibility, Habituation to Warning Alarms, and Accident Proneness: Virtual Reality Experiment;Journal of Construction Engineering and Management;2023-02

3. An Empirical Study on the Influence of Smart Home Interface Design on the Interaction Performance of the Elderly;International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;2022-07-26

4. Entropy Based Analysis of Gaze Fixation Duration;2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN);2022-07-18

5. Real-Time Gaze Tracking with Event-Driven Eye Segmentation;2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR);2022-03








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