1. Michael R. Berthold, Jay Diamond, in Boosting the Performance of RBF Networks with Dynamic Decay Adjustment. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol 7 (MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1995), pp. 521–528
2. Rosaria Silipo, Michael R. Berthold, Input features’ impact on fuzzy decision processes. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. B 30(6), 821–834 (2000)
3. Christian Borgelt, Michael R. Berthold, in Mining Molecular Fragments: Finding Relevant Substructures of Molecules. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining ICDM (IEEE, 2002), pp. 51–58
4. Michael R. Berthold, in Data Analysis in the Life Sciences: Sparking Ideas. Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Machine Learning: PKDD/ECML 2005, Lecture Notes in AI, no. 3720 (Springer, 2005), p. 1
5. Michael R. Berthold (ed.), Bisociative Knowledge Discovery. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, in press