1. Newton, I., Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, London 1687; rev. ed. Cambridge 1713.
2. Turnbull, H. W., Scott, J. F., Hall, A. R., Tilling, L., (eds.), The correspondence of Isaac Newton, 7 vols., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (1959–1977).
3. Whiteside, D. T. (ed.), The mathematical papers of Isaac Newton, 8 vols., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (1967–1981).
4. Whiteside, D. T., The Mathematical Principles underlying Newtons Principia Mathematica, University of Glasgow (1970).
5. Schneider, I., Der Mathematiker Abraham de Moivre (1667–1754), Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 5, (1968), 177–317.