1. Arrow, K.J. (1963), “Social Choice and Individual Values”, 2nd ed. (New York Univ. Press).
2. Blair, D.H., G. Bordes, J.S. Kelley, and K. Suzumura (1976), “Impossibility Theorems without Collective Rationality”, Journal of Econ. Theory 13, No. 3, 361–379.
3. Fishburn, P. (1973), “The Theory of Social Choice”, (New Jersey, Princeton Univ. Press).
4. Gibbard, A. (1969), “Social Choice and the Arrow Condition”, unpublished manuscript.
5. Fuchs-Seliger, S. (1983) “A Duality Approach to Arrow’s Inpossibility Theorem”, Discussion Paper des Instituts für Wirtschaftstheorie und OR in Karlsruhe, Mai 1983.