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2. Al Moubayed, S., Beskow, J.: Effects of Visual Prominence Cues on Speech Intelligibility. In: Proceedings of Auditory-Visual Speech Processing AVSP 2009, Norwich, England (2009)
3. Al Moubayed, S., Edlund, J., Beskow, J.: Taming Mona Lisa: Communicating gaze faithfully in 2D and 3D facial projections. ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst. 1(2), Article 11, 25 pages (2012)
4. Al Moubayed, S., Skantze, G.: Turn-taking Control Using Gaze in Multiparty Human-Computer Dialogue: Effects of 2D and 3D Displays. In: Proceedings of the international conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing AVSP, Florence, Italy (2011)
5. Beskow, J.: Rule-based visual speech synthesis. In: Proc. of the Fourth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (1995)