1. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Laser Program Annual Report, UCRL-50021 (1984).
2. S.C. Bender and Q.D. Appert: Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA) Vol. 483, 113, (1984).
3. V.S. Golubev and F.V. Lebedev: Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 15, 437 (1985).
4. G.C. Lim and W.M. Steen: J. Phys. E. 17, 999 (1984); and this conference.
5. J. Cnablat, J.L. Paradis, D. Gerbet: ETCA report, 94114 Arcueil, France (1985).