1. Rehm, D., Montforts, F.-R, Ockenfeld, M., Wess, G.: Online-Recherchen in Datenbanken des Chemical Abstracts Service, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1982 (zit. als REHM et al.)
2. Meadow, C. T., Cochrane, P.: Basics of Online Searching, Wiley, New York 1981
3. Fenichel, C. H., Hogan, T. H.: Online Searching: A Primer, Learned Information Ltd., Oxford 1981
4. Henry, W. M., Leigh, J. A., Tedd, L. A., Williams, P. W.: Online Searching (An Introduction), Butterworths, London 1980
5. Hoover, R. E. (ed.): The Library and Information Manager’s Guide to Online Services, Knowledge Industry PubL, White Plains NY 1980