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2. Bucher, C.G.: “Adaptive Sampling: An Iterative Fast Monte-Carlo Procedure”, Structural Safety, Vol. 5, No.2, June, 1988, pp. 119–126.
3. Bucher, C.G. and Bourgund, U.: “Efficient Use of Response Surface Methods”, Rep. 9–87, List. Eng. Mech., University of Innsbruck, Austria, 1987.
4. Chen, Y.M., Schuëller, G. I. and Bourgund, U.: “Reliability of Large Structural Systems under Time Variant Loads”, ASCE EMD/GTD/STD Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Methods, Virginia, May 25–27, 1988, pp. 420–423.
5. Chen, Y.M., Schuëller, G. I. and Bourgund, U.: “Reliability of Large Structural Systems under Time Variant Loads”, Submitted for publication, 1988.