1. Baker, C. L.: JOSS: Introduction to a helpful assistant. Memorandum RM-5058-PR RAND Corporation 1966.
2. Brawn, B. S., Gustayson, F. G.: Program behavior in a paging environment. AFIPS Conf. Proc. 33 (1968) 1019–1032.
3. Bryan, G. E.: JOSS: 20000 hours at a console—a statistical summary. AFIPS Conf. Proc. 31 (1967) 769–777.
4. Butler, R. V.: The Langley research center remote computing terminal system: implementation and first year’s operation. Proc. of 21st Nat. Conf. ACM (1966) 139–148.
5. Coffman, E. G., Wood, R. C., Jr.: Interarrival statistics for time-sharing systems. Corn. ACM 9 (1966) 500–503.