1. Jen, S.: Chinese RMB basket still a mystery, Global Economics Forum. Morgan Stanley, San Francisco (2005)
2. Shah, A., Zeileis, A., Patnaik, I.: What is the new Chinese currency regime? Unpublished memo the Department of Economics. Monash University (November 2005)
3. Frankel, J.: On the yuan: The choice between adjustment under a fixed exchange rate and adjustment under a flexible rate. In: Illing, G. (ed.) Understanding the Chinese Economy, CESifo Economictudies, Munich (2006) Also in NBER WP No. 11274
4. Eichengreen, B.: China’s exchange rate regime: The long and short of it, revision of paper for Columbia University’s conference on Chinese money and finance held in New York (February 2-3, 2006)
5. Yamazaki, K.: Inside the currency basket. Columbia University and Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (December 2006)