1. Argyris, Chris. (1965). Organization and Innovation. Homewood IL: Dorsey Press. (See also Interpersonal Barriers to Decision-Making. Harvard Business Review volume On Management. New York: Harper and Row, 1975, and Irving Janis, Victims of Groupthink. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972.)
2. Argyris, Chris, Robert Putnam, and Diana McLain Smith. (1985). Action Science: Concepts, Methods, and Skills for Research and Intervention. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
3. Barley, S. (1969). Aircrash Detective: An International Report on the Quest for Air Safety. London: Hamish Hamilton. (Very good popular treatment by a comprehensive journalist. As a layman, I found this a useful introduction to the subject. For a more sophisticated introduction by a former Chief Inspector, see William H. Tench (1985), Safety Is No Accident. London: Collins.)
4. Barzun, Jacques and Henry Graff. (1977). The Modern Researcher. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich.
5. Beaty, D. (1969). The Human Factor in Aircraft Accidents. New York: Stein and Day. (Also see Jane E. Brody. (1980). ‘Human Factor’ in Plane Crashes Is Facing More Intense Scrutiny. New York Times, June 23, pp. 1, 18.)