1. Kroschel, K.: “A Laboratory Experiment to Demonstrate Optimal Detection of Random Binary Data”, IEEE Trans. on Education. Vol. E–12, No. 3, August 1979, pp. 151–53
2. Kroschel, K.: “Verarbeitung akustischer Signale mit VAX und PDP”. Design & Electronic, ed. 20, September 1986, pp. 74–82, published also under the title “Rauschsignale — nüchtern betrachtet” in Deckblatt No. 4, October 1986, pp. 144–150
3. Kroschel, K.: “Laboratory Experiments for Digital Signal Processing Using Personal Computers”, Computer Anwendungen, Universität Karlsruhe, cak 2, 1986, pp. 17–23
4. Kroschel, K.: “Einsatz von PC’s in einem Praktikum zur stochastischen Signalverarbeitungtt, 32nd International Scientific Colloquium, Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, DDR, October 1987, pp. 145–148
5. Kroschel, K.; Linhard, K.; Stehle, W.: “Digital Signal Processing and Communication — An Application Project of HECTOR”, IBM Application Brief No. 7, April 1987, IBM Deutschland, Stuttgart