1. A. Andronico and A. Ciampa. On automatic pattern recognition and acquisition of printed music. In Proceedings, International Computer Music Conference, pages 245–278, Venice, Italy, 1982. Computer Music Association Publications.
2. H. Aoyama and A. Tojo. Automatic recognition of printed music. TG, PRL82-5:33–40, 1982. In Japanese.
3. D. Blostein and L. Haken. Justification of printed music. Communications of the ACM, 34 (3): 88–99, March 1991.
4. N. P. Carter. Automatic Recognition of Printed Music in the Context of Electronic Publishing. PhD thesis, Univ. of Surrey, Depts. of Physics and Music, February 1989. 174 pages.
5. N. P. Carter and R. A. Bacon. Automatic recognition of printed music. In this volume.