1. Transformation of Data Flow Analysis Models to Object Oriented Design, Alabiso B., Proc. of the Conf. on OOPSLA’88: 335–353, Sept 1988
2. Object-oriented analysis of systems through their dynamical aspects, Barbier F., Journal of Object-oriented programming, p.45–51, May 1992
3. A Laboratory For Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking, Beck K., Proceedings of the OOPSLA’89, Oct 1–6 1989, p. 1–6.
4. Software Engineering — A Programming Approach, Bell D., Morrey I., Pugh J., 2nd ed., Prentice Hall International, 1992
5. Book Review — Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Bilow S.C., Journal of Object-oriented Programming, p.85–87, Juni 1992