Application of Linear and Nonlinear Programming Models in Specifying Land Use, Spatial Equilibrium and Prices for Agriculture


Heady Earl O.,Hall Harry H.


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference12 articles.

1. Heady, Earl O. and Mayer, Leo V. Food Needs and U.S. Agriculture in 1980. Technical Papers-Vol. 1. National Advisory Commission on Food and Fiber. Washington, 1967.

2. In addition to the study by Heady and Mayer cited earlier, see the details in the following: Egbert, Alvin C. and Heady, Earl O. Regional Adjustments in Grain Production, A Linear Programming Analysis. USDA Tech. Bul. 1241; Heady, Earl O. and Egbert, Alvin C. Activity Analysis in Allocation of Crops in Agriculture. (in Manne and Markowitz, editors: Cowles Foundation Monograph 18. Studies in Process Analysis pp. 161–214. Wiley, New York, 1963); Egbert, Alvin C., Heady, Earl O. and Brokken, Ray F. Regional Changes in Grain Production, An Application of Spatial Programming. CAED Report 14T. Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment; Egbert, Alvin C. and Heady, Earl O. Regional Analysis of Production Adjustments in Major Field Crops Historical and Prospective. (bulletin forthcoming); Heady, Earl O. and Egbert, Alvin C. Programming Regional Adjustments in Grain Production to Eliminate Surpluses. Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. XLI, No. 4, 1959; and Heady, Earl O. and Egbert, Alvin C. Mathematical Programming of Regional Production Patterns, -forthcoming; Heady, Earl O. and Skold, Melvin. Projections of U.S. Agricultural Capacity and Interregional Adjustments in Production and Land Use with Spatial Programming Models. Iowa Agr. and Home Econ. Exp. Sta. Res. Bul. 539; Skold, Melvin D. and Heady, Earl O. Regional Location of Production of Major Field Crops at Alternative Demand and Price Levels, 1975. USDA Tech. Bul. 1354; Heady, Earl O. and Whittlesey, Norman K. A Programming Analysis of Interregional Competition and Surplus Capacity of American Agriculture. Iowa Agr. and Home Econ. Exp. Sta. Res. Bul. 538; Whittlesey, Norman K. and Heady, Earl O. Aggregate Economic Effects of Alternative Land Retirement Programs: A Linear Programming Analysis. USDA Tech. Bul. 1351; Brokken, Ray C. and Heady, Earl O. Interregional Adjustments in Crop and Livestock Production in the United States. (In process); Heady, Earl O. and Egbert, Alvin C. Efficient Regional Allocation of Farm Products and Programmed Supply Prices. Agr. Econ. Res. Vol. 16, pp. 1–11; Egbert, Alvin C., Heady, Earl O. and Brooken, Ray F. Regional Changes in Grain Production - An Application of Spatial Linear Programming, Iowa Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 521.

3. For discussion of aggregation bias, see the following: Barker, R. and Stanton, B. F. “Estimation and Aggregation of Firm Supply Functions.” Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 47, pp. 701–712, Aug. 1965

4. Stovall, J. C. “Sources of Error in Aggregate Supply Estimates,” Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 48, pp. 477–480, May 1966

5. Hartley, H. O. “Total Supply Functions Estimated From Farm Samples.” Unpublished paper. Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, 1962; Day, Richard, “On Aggregating Linear Programming Models of Production.” Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 45, pp. 797–813, Nov. 1963

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