1. R. De Mori, P. Laface and E. Piccolo, “Automatic Detection and Description of Syllabic Features in Continuous Speech”. IEEE Transaction on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
ASSP-24, No. 5, 365–379 (Oct., 1976).
2. R. De Mori and P. Laface, “Automatic Extraction of Distinctive Features from Continuous Speech” 3rd IJCPR, Coronado 609-615 (Nov., 1976).
3. R. De Mori, P. Laface and P. Torasso, “Automatic Recognition of Liquids and Novals in Continuous Speech” IEEE ASSP Conference Hotford 644-647 (May, 1977).
4. R. De Mori and P. Torasso, “Lexical Classification in a Speech Understanding System Using Fuzzy Relations” IEEE International on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 12-14, 565-568 (April 12–14, 1976).
5. R. De Mori, S. Rivoira and A. Serra, “A Speech Understanding System with Learning Capability” IV Invernat. Joint Conf. Artificial Intelligenc, Tbilisi, USSR
II, 468–475 (3–8 Sept., 1975).