1. American Creosote Works, Inc 1967 Handbook of treated forest products, 4th ed. American Creosote Works, Inc, New Orleans
2. Anonymous 1930 (1960) Longitudinal shrinkage of wood. US For Serv FPL Rep 1093, 10 pp
3. Anonymous 1952 Shrinking and swelling of wood in use. US For Serv FPL Rep R736, 17 pp
4. Anonymous 1956 Reaction wood (Tension wood and compression wood.) For Prod Res Lab Princes Risborough England Lab Leafl 51, 16 pp
5. Anonymous 1965 Sortering av sågat virke av furu och gran. (Grading of pine and spruce sawtimbers.) Föreningen Svenska Sagverksmän, AB Svensk Trävarutidn, 2nd ed, Stockholm