1. Klassiker der Gruppenanalyse
Walter Schindler
(1949a) The Problem of Masochism in Individuals and Nations. International Journal of Sexology 2, 3.
2. (1949b) The Sexual Aspects of Antisemitism. International Journal of Sexology 2, 1–6.
3. (1951) Family Pattern in Group Formation and Therapy. Int. J. Gr. Psychother. 1, 100–105. (Deutsch in: (1980) 17–22.)
4. (1966) The Role of the Mother in Group Psychotherapy. Int. J. Gr. Psychother. 16, 198–202. (Deutsch in: (1980) 35–38.)
5. (1971) Das Autoritätsproblem in der Gruppenpsychotherapie. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Social Psychiatry. Zagreb. S. 304–310. (Deutsch in: (1980) 39–45.)