1. Lord Rayleigh: Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 17, 4 (1887)
2. D. Royer, J.M. Bonnet, E. Dieulesaint: In The Mechanical Behavior of Electromagnetic Solid Continua, ed. by G.A. Maugin (North-Holland, Amsterdam 1984) p.23
3. See, for example, K.H. Yen, K.F. Lau, R.S. Kagiwada: Electron. Lett. 15, 206 (1979) and references therein
4. B.A. Auld:Acoustic Fields and Waves in Solids, Vol. II (Wiley, New York 1973) p.92
5. See, for example, L.D. Landau, EM. Lifshitz: Theory of Elasticity (Pergamon, New York 1959) p.99