1. Geach, G.A., Jones, F.O., “VIII. Interactions in Mixtures of Hard Materials at Very High Temperatures” in “Warmfeste und Korrosionsbestandige Sinterwerkstoffe”, 2. Plansee Seminar (De Re Metallica), Benesovsky, F. (Ed.), Metallwerk Plansee, Reutte, 80–91 (1955) (Morphology, Phase Relations, Experimental, 10)
2. Kieffer, R., Benesovsky, F., Lux, B., “Investigation of the NOWOTNY-Phases” (in German), Planseeber. Pulvermetall., 4 (2), 30–36 (1956) (Crys. Structure, Phase Relations, Experimental, Review, *, 18)
3. Kudielka, H., Nowotny, H., Findeisen, G., “Investigations in the Systems: V-B, Nb-B, V-B-Si and Ta-B-Si” (in German), Monatsh. Chem., 88 (6), 1048–1055 (1957) (Crys. Structure, Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, Experimental, Review, 19)
4. Nowotny, H., Dimakopoulou, E., Kudielka, H., “Investigations in the Ternary Systems: Molybdenum-Silicon-Boron, Tungsten-Silicon-Boron and System: VSi2-TaSi2” (in German), Monatsh. Chem., 88, 180–192 (1957) (Crys. Structure, Morphology, Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, Experimental, Mechan. Prop., Phys. Prop., *, 19)
5. Nowotny, H., Kieffer, R., Benesovsky, F., “Silicon Borides of the Transition Metals Vanadium, Niobium, Tantalum, Molybdenum and Tungsten” (in German), Planseeber. Pulvermetall., 5(3), 86–93 (1957) (Crys. Structure, Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, Experimental, Review, *, 23)