1. B.Z. Allison, C. Brunner, S. Grissmann, and C. Neuper (2010). Toward a multidimensional “hybrid” BCI based on simultaneous SSVEP and ERD activity. Program No. 227.4. 2010 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2010. Online. Presentation accepted and scheduled for Nov 2010.
2. B.Z. Allison, D. Valbuena, T. Lueth, A. Teymourian, I. Volosyak, and A. Gräser, BCI demographics: How many (and what kinds of) people can use an SSVEP BCI? IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 18(2), 107–116, (2010).
3. B.Z. Allison, Human-computer interaction: Novel interaction methods and techniques, chapter The I of BCIs: next generation interfaces for brain – computer interface systems that adapt to individual users. Springer, New York, (2009).
4. B.Z. Allison, J.B. Boccanfuso, C. Agocs, L.A. McCampbell, D.S. Leland, C. Gosch, and M. Moore Jackson, Sustained use of an SSVEP BCI under adverse conditions. Cogn Neurosci Soc, 129, (2006).
5. B.Z. Allison, C. Brunner, V. Kaiser, G. Müller-Putz, C. Neuper, and G. Pfurtscheller. A hybrid brain-computer interface based on imagined movement and visual attention. J Neural Eng, 7(2), 26007, (2010).