1. J. Douglas, Jr., T. Dupont, and L. Wahlbin, Optimal L∞ error estimates for Galerkin approximations to solutions of two point boundary value problems, Math. Comp. 29 (1975), 475–483.
2. T.Dupont, Galerkin methods for modeling gas pipelines, Constructive and Computational Methods for Differential and Integral Equations, Lecture Note in Mathematics No. 430, Springer Verlag, 1974, New York.
3. T.Dupont and L. Wahlbin, L2 optimality of weighted-H1 projections into piece-wise polynomial spaces, to appear.
4. Max Gunzburger, private communication.
5. H. H. Rachford, Jr., and E. L. Ramsey, Application of variational methods to model transient flow in complex liquid transmission systems, Society of Petroleum Engineers paper no. SPE 5663, presented September 1975, to appear in SPE Journal.