1. Aleksander I., Thomas W.V. and Bowden P.A. (1984): “WISARD: A radical step forward in image recognition”. Sensor Review, Vol. 4, No. 3, July.
2. Batchelor B.G. (1985): “Lighting and viewing techniques”. Chapter 7 in “Automated Visual Inspection”, edited by B.G. Batchelor, D.A. Hill and D.C. Hodgson, IFS ( Publications) Ltd., North-Holland.
3. Braggins D. and Hollingum J. (1986): “Machine Vision Sourcebook”. IFS (Publications) Ltd. and Springer-Verlag.
4. “Directory of Machine Vision Equipment Manufacturers/Suppliers”. Machine Vision Association of SME. One SME Drive. P.O. Box 930, Dearborn, Michigan 48121, USA.
5. Hollingum J. (1984): “Machine Vision — The Eyes of Automation”. IFS (Publications) Ltd. and Springer-Verlag.