1. EC funded- FP7-EFIPSANS Project, http://efipsans.org/
2. Chaparadza, R., Papavassiliou, S., Kastrinogiannis, T., Vigoureux, M., Dotaro, E., Davy, A., Quinn, K., Wodczak, M., Toth, A.: Creating a viable Evolution Path towards Self-Managing Future Internet via a Standardizable Reference Model for Autonomic Network Engineering. Published in the book by the Future Internet Assembly (FIA) in Europe: Towards the future internet - A European research perspective. pp. 136–147. IOS Press, Amsterdam (2009)
3. Chaparadza, R.: Requirements for a Generic Autonomic Network Architecture (GANA), suitable for Standardizable Autonomic Behaviour Specifications of Decision-Making-Elements (DMEs) for Diverse Networking Environments: published in International Engineering Consortium (IEC) in the Annual Review of Communications 61 (December 2008)
4. Chaparadza, R.: Evolution of the current IPv6 towards IPv6++ (IPv6 with Autonomic Flavours). Published by the International Engineering Consortium (IEC) in the Review of Communications 60 (December 2007)
5. Greenberg, A., et al.: A clean slate 4D approach to network control and management. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Comm. Review 35(5), 41–54 (2005)