1. “International Conference on Parallel Processing” August: (1981–84), Bellaire, ML; (1985), St. Charles, ILL. b) R.W. Hockney, “Parallel Computers: Architecture, Programming and Algorithms”, R.W. Hockney, C.R. Jesshope, Eds., Bristol, Adam Hilger, Ltd. (1981). c) “Parallel Processing Systems”, J. Evans, Ed., Cambridge, NY, Cambridge Univ. Press (1982). d) Y. Wallach, “Alternating Sequential/Parallel Processing”, Lecture Note in Computer Science, 124, Springer Verlag, Berlin, NY (1982). e) G. Corongiu and J.H. Detrich, “Large Scale Scientific Applications in Chemistry and Physics on an Experimental Parallel Computer System”, IBM Journal Res. and Dev., 29, 422 (1985).
2. K.R. Wilson, in “Computer Networking and Chemistry”, P. Lykos, Ed., ACS Symposium Series, 19, American Chemical Society (1975).
3. Prof. C.C.J. Roothaan “Improved Vector Functions and Linear Algebra for the FPS-164,” Proceedings of the 1985 Array Conference, April 14–17, 1985, New Orleans, LA.
4. M.J. Flynn, “Some Computer Organizations and Their Effectiveness” IEEE Trans. Comp. C-21, 948 (1972)
5. Virtual Machine/System Product System Programmer’s Guide, Third Edition (Publication No. SC19-6203-2), International Business Machines Corp. (August, 1983).