1. Hypertext ’87 (1987), Hypertext ’87 Workshop, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, Nov. 1987, ACM: New York.
2. Hypertext ’89 (1989), Hypertext ’89 Workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov.5–8 1989. ACM: New York.
3. Abiteboul S, Bidoi N (1984), Non-First-Normal-Form-Relations to represent hierarchically organized data. In Proc. 3rd ACM PODS, 1984, and also in Journal of Computer and System Sciences.
4. Agosti M (1988), Is hypertext a new model of information retrieval? In: (Online’88), Vol.1, 57–62.
5. Akscyn R, McCracken D, Yoder E (1988), KMS: A distributed hypermedia system for managing knowledge in organizations. Comm. ACM, Vol. 31, 7, pp. 820–835. also in: (Hypertext ’87), pp. 1–20.