Die Bekämpfung subversiver Verbandsmacht: Internal Security Act von 1950 und Communist Control Act von 1954


Steinberger Helmut


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference201 articles.

1. Vgl. dazu den rechtsvergleichenden Überblick von K. LOEWENSTEIN, Legislative control of political extremism in European democracies, Col. L. R. 38 (1938), S. 591 ff.; 725 ff.;

2. derselbe, Militant democracy and fundamental rights, Am. Pol. Sc. R. 31 (1937), S. 417 ff., 638 ff.;

3. derselbe, Legislation against subversive activities in Argentina, Harv. L. R. 56 (1942–43), S. 1261 ff. Vgl. ferner Comite Consultativo de Emergencia para la Defensa Politica, Legislación para la defensa politica en las repúblicas Americanas, 2 Bde. (1947).

4. Vgl. P. A. MCCARRAN, The Internal Security Act of 1950, Univ. Pittsburgh L. R. 12 (1951), S. 481 ff., 484.

5. Vgl. Institute of Living Law, Combating Totalitarian Propaganda; The Method of Exposure, Univ. Chic. L. R. 10 (1943), S. 107 ff., 183 ff., M. COHEN/R. F. FUCHS, Communism’s Challenge and the Constitution, Cornell L. Q. 34 (1948/49), S. 182 if., 201.








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