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2. Khodadadi, M., Schmidt, R.A., Tishkovsky, D., Zawidzki, M.: Terminating tableau calculi for modal logic
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3. Minica, S., Khodadadi, M., Schmidt, R.A., Tishkovsky, D.: Synthesising and implementing tableau calculi for interrogative epistemic logics. In: Proc. PAAR 2012, pp. 109–123 (2012)
4. Schmidt, R.A., Tishkovsky, D.: Automated synthesis of tableau calculi. Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 7(2:6), 1–32 (2011)
5. Schmidt, R.A., Tishkovsky, D.: Using tableau to decide description logics with full role negation and identity (2011) (manuscript),