1. See the papers on ODF calculations in this conference, especially “Methods of ODF Calculation”, H. J. Bunge; “ttle Influence of Textures on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Materials”, R. Penelle.
2. G. Hofer, U. Gunes, C. C. Hung, Siemens Forsch.- and Entwicklungsber. (Germany) 6, 346–9 (1977).
3. J. A. Elias and A. J. Heckler, Trans. TMS-AIME, 239, 1237 (1967).
4. A. J. Heckler, J. A. Elias and A. P. Woods, Trans. TMS-AIME, 239, 1241 (1967).
5. G. R. Love, Trans. OMS-AIME, 248, 746 (1968).