1. Böttcher, C. J. F.: Theory of Electric Polarisation. Amsterdam, Houston, London, New York: Elsevier Publishing Company 1952. — Complete and systematic treatment of those parts of the theory that can be handled by the methods of classical electrostatics together with the elementary formulas of statistical mechanics.
2. Debye, P.: Polare Molekeln. Leipzig: Hirzel 1929. — Polar Molecules. New York: Chemical Catalog Company, Inc. 1929; Dover Publications, Inc. 1947. — Summarizes Debye’s theory of orientational polarization and of dielectric relaxation, and some of the early quantum-mechanical calculations.
3. Fröhlich, H.: Theory of Dielectrics—Dielectric Constant and Dielectric Loss. Oxford: University Press 1949. — Treats topics that can be handled by classical statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.
4. LeFkvre, R. J. W.: Dipole Moments —Their Measurement and Application in Chemistry, 2nd ed. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. 1948. — The chemical applications discussed relate to inferences in regard to molecular structure. Contains 109 pages of text and three pages of tables of moments.
5. Smyth, Charles Phelps: Dielectric Behavior and Structure. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1955. — A comprehensive review of published work on the measurement and interpretation of dielectric constants and losses.