1. Baumgartner, H., F. Jona and W. Känzig: Seignetteelectrizität. Ergebn. exakt. Naturwiss. 23, 235 (1950). A review containing certain details concerning KDP and rochelle salt not mentioned here.
2. Bergmann, L.: Der Ultraschall and seine Anwendung in Wissenschaft and Technik. Stuttgart: Hirzel 1954. A standard work brought up to date.
3. Böttcher, C. J. F.: Theory of Dielectric Polarization. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1951. Includes a chapter on piezoelectricity and ferroelectricity.
4. Cady, W. G.: Piezoelectricity. New York: McGraw-Hill 1946. Contains a great deal of detailed information, including equivalent circuit analyses. Thorough coverage of the whole field prior to the discovery of ferroelectricity in barium titanate.
5. Curie, P.: OEuvres de Pierre Curie. Paris: Gauthier-Villars 1908. Includes reprints pertaining to the original experiments on piezoelectricity.